Vasudev Das Baul Performs for Large Village Crowd
Vasudev Das Baul Performs for Large Village Crowd

Near Santiniketan, West Bengal, India.

Cerulean Blue Wave on Green Lake, Wisconsin
Cerulean Blue Wave on Green Lake, Wisconsin
Crowned Crane, International Crane Foundation
Crowned Crane, International Crane Foundation

Baraboo, Wisconsin.

Anti-Vietnam War Activists Cheer for Disabled Car
Anti-Vietnam War Activists Cheer for Disabled Car

They let the air out of tires to block streets in Washington, D.C.

Sandhill Crane, International Cranc Foundation
Sandhill Crane, International Cranc Foundation

Baraboo, Wisconsin.

Man Walking with Heavily Loaded Bullock Cart
Man Walking with Heavily Loaded Bullock Cart

Outside Oaxaca, Mexico.

Wild Horses Running Free, Navajo Nation
Wild Horses Running Free, Navajo Nation
Troops Guard Chichie's Pet Boutique, Washington, D.C.
Troops Guard Chichie's Pet Boutique, Washington, D.C.

U.S. Troops Called Out Facing Anti-Vietnam War Protests.

Orange Sun Setting Over Ice Fishing Shacks
Orange Sun Setting Over Ice Fishing Shacks

Green Lake, Wisconsin, frozen shore to shore.

Kevin, Educator and Guide for AZ Wanderings
Kevin, Educator and Guide for AZ Wanderings
Glacier-carved, Spring-fed Green Lake, Wisconsin
Glacier-carved, Spring-fed Green Lake, Wisconsin

Deepest lake within the State of Wisconsin, Green Lake is a treasure that must be protected.

Big Sur Invitation to the Horizon's Wild Blues
Big Sur Invitation to the Horizon's Wild Blues
Poet Mae Miller Reading Her Poems, Washington, D.C.
Poet Mae Miller Reading Her Poems, Washington, D.C.
Sunrise Over Steam from Thawing Green Lake, Wisconsin
Sunrise Over Steam from Thawing Green Lake, Wisconsin

Deep Green Lake, slow to freeze, slow to release its incantatory waves. 

Parrots: Winged Paintings
Parrots: Winged Paintings
Wild Vermont River Inviting even in Winter
Wild Vermont River Inviting even in Winter
Alhambra Palace Watercourse, Jets d'Eaux and Gardens
Alhambra Palace Watercourse, Jets d'Eaux and Gardens

Grenada, Spain.

Lonnie Gramse, Master Wood Carver and Craftsman
Lonnie Gramse, Master Wood Carver and Craftsman

Green Lake, Wisconsin.

Vasudev Das Baul Performs for Large Village Crowd
Cerulean Blue Wave on Green Lake, Wisconsin
Crowned Crane, International Crane Foundation
Anti-Vietnam War Activists Cheer for Disabled Car
Sandhill Crane, International Cranc Foundation
Man Walking with Heavily Loaded Bullock Cart
Wild Horses Running Free, Navajo Nation
Troops Guard Chichie's Pet Boutique, Washington, D.C.
Orange Sun Setting Over Ice Fishing Shacks
Kevin, Educator and Guide for AZ Wanderings
Glacier-carved, Spring-fed Green Lake, Wisconsin
Big Sur Invitation to the Horizon's Wild Blues
Poet Mae Miller Reading Her Poems, Washington, D.C.
Sunrise Over Steam from Thawing Green Lake, Wisconsin
Parrots: Winged Paintings
Wild Vermont River Inviting even in Winter
Alhambra Palace Watercourse, Jets d'Eaux and Gardens
Lonnie Gramse, Master Wood Carver and Craftsman
Vasudev Das Baul Performs for Large Village Crowd

Near Santiniketan, West Bengal, India.

Cerulean Blue Wave on Green Lake, Wisconsin
Crowned Crane, International Crane Foundation

Baraboo, Wisconsin.

Anti-Vietnam War Activists Cheer for Disabled Car

They let the air out of tires to block streets in Washington, D.C.

Sandhill Crane, International Cranc Foundation

Baraboo, Wisconsin.

Man Walking with Heavily Loaded Bullock Cart

Outside Oaxaca, Mexico.

Wild Horses Running Free, Navajo Nation
Troops Guard Chichie's Pet Boutique, Washington, D.C.

U.S. Troops Called Out Facing Anti-Vietnam War Protests.

Orange Sun Setting Over Ice Fishing Shacks

Green Lake, Wisconsin, frozen shore to shore.

Kevin, Educator and Guide for AZ Wanderings
Glacier-carved, Spring-fed Green Lake, Wisconsin

Deepest lake within the State of Wisconsin, Green Lake is a treasure that must be protected.

Big Sur Invitation to the Horizon's Wild Blues
Poet Mae Miller Reading Her Poems, Washington, D.C.
Sunrise Over Steam from Thawing Green Lake, Wisconsin

Deep Green Lake, slow to freeze, slow to release its incantatory waves. 

Parrots: Winged Paintings
Wild Vermont River Inviting even in Winter
Alhambra Palace Watercourse, Jets d'Eaux and Gardens

Grenada, Spain.

Lonnie Gramse, Master Wood Carver and Craftsman

Green Lake, Wisconsin.

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